2,120 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of a 2D Ising model within a nonextensive approach

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    In this work we report Monte Carlo simulations of a 2D Ising model, in which the statistics of the Metropolis algorithm is replaced by the nonextensive one. We compute the magnetization and show that phase transitions are present for q≠1q\neq 1. A q−q - phase diagram (critical temperature vs. the entropic parameter qq) is built and exhibits some interesting features, such as phases which are governed by the value of the entropic index qq. It is shown that such phases favors some energy levels of magnetization states. It is also showed that the contribution of the Tsallis cutoff is essential to the existence of phase transitions

    The multi-depot k-traveling repairman problem

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    In this paper, we study the multi-depot k-traveling repairman problem. This problem extends the traditional traveling repairman problem to the multi-depot case. Its objective, similar to the single depot variant, is the minimization of the sum of the arrival times to customers. We propose two distinct formulations to model the problem, obtained on layered graphs. In order to find feasible solutions for the largest instances, we propose a hybrid genetic algorithm where initial solutions are built using a splitting heuristic and a local search is embedded into the genetic algorithm. The efficiency of the mathematical formulations and of the solution approach are investigated through computational experiments. The proposed models are scalable enough to solve instances up to 240 customers

    The use of biostimulants in high-density olive growing: Quality and production

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    [EN] Due to the increase of high-density holdings, especially of olive trees, the nutritional requirements of the plants are higher per unit area, which implies that a greater contribution of fertilizers to the soil is needed. Opting for fertilizers of inorganic origin will produce an increase in the pollution of the soil. In the face of this possible soil contamination, our aim is to analyze the effect of biostimulants as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, to steadily produce and maintain high quality standards during the life of the crop. Our objective is using more environmentally friendly products in order to satisfy one of the most important demands from both consumers and the authorities. In this study, we carried out five different treatments in addition to a control treatment with a supply of NPK, from inorganic products, which are used to control fertilization with a solution obtained from seaweed extracts. These treatments were applied in two crop cycles for two of the most important varieties in the current olive tree growing scenario: Arbequina and Koroneiki. This study was developed in the farm Pozohondo, which is located in a crop zone by the Palancia river (Castellón, Valencia, Spain), in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, where the olive trees were established in a high-density system with a planting framework of 4 x 1.5 m. We ensured an exhaustive control of the nutritional needs of the holding by using a fertigation system. We could notice differences in the productions of each applied treatment, avoiding any possible biases through the additional control of 100 randomly selected olives from each of the samples. There is an improvement in the set of physical characteristics of the olives with the treatment that provides amino acids and extra potassium based on amni acids. We analyzed the quality of the olive oil obtained from the production of each treatment by measuring the fatty acids, tocopherols and polyphenols contents. We also carried out an organoleptic tasting analysis following the rules of the International Olive Committee (IOC). We observed an improvement with regard to the rest of treatments in the pomological parameters of the olives when applying the potassium and amino acid biostimulant, while the quality of the oils was not affected by the type of fertilization applied in each treatment.This work was funded by Project AICO/2017/047. Development of methods of quantification of riparian vegetation biomass for the management of channels of the Comunitat Valenciana. Dirección General de Universidades. Generalitat Valenciana (Spain).Hernández-Hernández, GJ.; Salazar Hernández, DM.; Martínez-Tomé, J.; López-Cortés, I. (2019). The use of biostimulants in high-density olive growing: Quality and production. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research. 10(4):1-11. https://doi.org/10.9734/AJAAR/2019/v10i430034S11110

    Bronchobiliary fistula: a rare complication after biliodigestive surgery for bile duct injury

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    A bronchobiliary fistula (BBF) is an abnormal communication between the biliary and bronchial systems. It is a rare condition with an unclear etiology. The principal causes are hepatic hydatid cysts, obstructive and iatrogenic processes. Presenting symptoms are variable and range from productive cough to recurrent pneumonia. The finding of bilioptisis is patognomonic. This case report presented a 22-year-old female patient who underwent a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (RYHJ) for a bile duct injury and who later on, developed a bronchobiliary fistula

    Mapping selection within Drosophila melanogaster embryo's anatomy

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    We present a survey of selection across Drosophila melanogaster embryonic anatomy. Our approach integrates genomic variation, spatial gene expression patterns and development, with the aim of mapping adaptation over the entire embryo's anatomy. Our adaptation map is based on analyzing spatial gene expression information for 5,969 genes (from text-based annotations of in situ hybridization data directly from the BDGP database, Tomancak et al. 2007) and the polymorphism and divergence in these genes (from the project DGRP, Mackay et al. 2012).The proportion of non-synonymous substitutions that are adaptive, neutral or slightly deleterious are estimated for the set of genes expressed in each embryonic anatomical structure using the DFE-alpha method (Eyre-Walker and Keightley 2009),. This method is a robust derivative of the McDonald and Kreitman test (McDonald and Kreitman 1991). We also explore whether different anatomical structures differ in the phylogenetic age, codon usage or expression bias of the genes they express and whether genes expressed in many anatomical structures show more adaptive substitutions than other genes.We found that: (i) most of the digestive system and ectoderm-derived structures are under selective constraint, (ii) the germ line and some specific mesoderm-derived structures show high rates of adaptive substitution and (iii) the genes that are expressed in a small number of anatomical structures show higher expression bias, lower phylogenetic ages and less constraint

    Motor speed predicts stability of cognitive deficits in both schizophrenic and bipolar I patients at one-year follow-up

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    Background We examined whether motor speed assessed by the finger tapping test predicts generalized and specific stable deficits because of a common patho-genic process in bipolar and schizophrenic patients. Methods: One hundred and two patients underwent a battery of neuropsychological tests. Patients with a score of less than one standard deviation from their siblings' sample in two assessments with an interval of one year were defined as suffering from stable deficits because of a common pathogenic process. In addition to univariate analyses, factor analyses, ordinal logistic regression, and multiple linear regressions were used. A general score was also calculated. Results: No differences were found between schizophrenic and bipolar patients in the deficits of verbal fluency, shift reasoning ability and executive attention. Schizophrenic patients had greater persistent cognitive deficit because of a common pathogenic factor in the verbal memory dimension than bipolar patients. Motor speed predicted the specific deficits of verbal fluency, shift reasoning, executive attention and the general deficit of both bipolar I and schizophrenic patients. Bipolar patients suffered a lesser specific deficit in the verbal memory dimension than schizophrenic patients did, this domain not being predicted by motor speed. Motor speed predicted the generalized deficit and the specific dimensions in which schizophrenic and bipolar patients showed no differences. Conclusions: These results suggest the presence of general and specific stable cognitive deficits because of a common pathogenic factor related to psychomotor slowness. Motor speed seems to be suitable endophenocognitype for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

    Mejoramiento de la calidad en la carne de la trucha arcoíris mediante la técnica de sacrificio Ikejime: caso Ecuador

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    Las técnicas de sacrificio empleadas tradicionalmente en la industria pesquera provocan niveles altos de estrés en los peces debido a la violencia del proceso. Esta condición influye en la calidad de su carne. Con estos antecedentes, se identifica la técnica de sacrificio más adecuada para preparaciones culinarias mediante una evaluación sensorial para los atributos de olor, sabor y textura que permita potenciar esa calidad. Según las referencias recopiladas de carácter empírico, la técnica Ikejime, de origen japonés, es la más idónea para sacrificar peces. Las características gastronómicas de la carne de los que fueron pescados por este medio son superiores respecto a los que no. Las pruebas realizadas comprobaron dichas aseveraciones

    Hepatic carcinoma-associated fibroblasts promote an adaptative response in colorectal cancer cells that inhibit proliferation and apoptosis: nonresistant cells die by nonapoptotic cell death

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    Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are important contributors of microenvironment in determining the tumor's fate. This study aimed to compare the influence of liver microenvironment and primary tumor microenvironment on the behavior of colorectal carcinoma. Conditioned medium (CM) from normal colonic fibroblasts (NCFs), CAFs from primary tumor (CAF-PT) or liver metastasis (CAF-LM) were obtained. We performed functional assays to test the influence of each CM on colorectal cell lines. Microarray and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) were performed in DLD1 cells cultured in matched CM. In DLD1 cells, CAF-LM CM compared with CAF-PT CM and NCF led to a more aggressive phenotype, induced the features of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition more efficiently, and stimulated migration and invasion to a greater extent. Sustained stimulation with CAF-LM CM evoked a transient G(2)/M cell cycle arrest accompanied by a reduction of apoptosis, inhibition of proliferation, and decreased viability of SW1116, SW620, SW480, DLD1, HT-29, and Caco-2 cells and provoked nonapoptotic cell death in those cells carrying KRAS mutations. Cells resistant to CAF-LM CM completely changed their morphology in an extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase-dependent process and depicted an increased stemness capacity alongside the Wnt pathway stimulation. The transcriptomic profile of DLD1 cells treated with CAF-LM CM was associated with Wnt and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways activation in GSEA. Therefore, the liver micro-environment induces more efficiently the aggressiveness of colorectal cancer cells than other matched micro-environments do but secondarily evokes cell death. Resistant cells displayed higher stemness capacity
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